painting of flowers next to a window

Art Competition – A view from my window.

10th March 2021

Mrs Chapman was thrilled with the number and quality of entries received for the recent at competition.

The girls were tasked with creating a piece of artwork using the view from their window at home or from their imagination using any form of media to do this.

It was a difficult job to choose the winners, but Emily in Y4 was the Prep winner and Rosie in Y2 the Pre-Prep winner.

Mrs Chapman said  ‘I love that Emily used such bright and contrasting colours to capture the beginning of spring appearing through her window. She drew and painted the flowers so carefully and with such detail. The painting put a huge smile on my face!’

She also commented ‘I was amazed at how neat Rosie’s drawing was. She was able to create a 3D effect when drawing her tree house and coloured her work in beautifully.’

A wonderful well done to all the girls who took part.

by Emily, Y4

By Rosie Y2



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