10th July 2019
We’re sometimes asked how we offer sporting, creative and musical opportunities to all our girls as well as competing successfully at a high level in national competitions. Our answer is simple – we strike a balance. We do this by making sure that every pupil has the opportunity to try a wide range of clubs and sports throughout their time at BPS. We then use our professional expertise to select those who show the greatest talent to represent us in the larger competitions. We adopt this approach based on best practice and knowing what ‘works’ with girls specifically. We do so to enable all girls to have the opportunity to flourish, to build their confidence and to work at a pace that allows skills to be both consolidated and reinforced.
In music for example, we encourage all girls to take up musical instruments, with a view to showcasing their talent and developing their performance skills at events such as the recent BFest. Plus, our Training Choir is open to all pupils in Prep (Y3-Y6). This gives our girls the chance to enjoy this activity and also to take part in local external competitions such as the Bowdon Festival (which they won last year!). On the other hand, our Chamber Choir is selective, based on girls who show the greatest prowess in terms of vocal talent and this Choir looks to compete nationally.
Musicians at the BFest and a selection of girls who competed in the Bowdon Festival
Similarly, all girls get the chance to try out many sports. As well as our traditional team sports of netball, lacrosse and rounders, we offer lunchtime and after-school clubs, including football, judo, fencing, orienteering (for which we just won the Trafford School Sports Partnership competition) and archery. Every girl in Year 3-6 is able to attend cross country club where participation is encouraged at Saturday morning running meetings in Altrincham and Sale. We also encourage our girls to join various sports clubs on our doorstep such as Bowdon Lawn Tennis Club, Timperley Lacrosse Club and Trafford Junior Netball Club.
Being fortunate enough to have specialist PE teachers means that overall, our girls play at a higher level than many surrounding schools. This will be even further enhanced once we have our brand new all weather pitch! The pitch is due to happen later in the Autumn Term – this will provide an incredible facility for the girls but will also enable girls to participate in an even wider selection of sports.
As with music, girls with the greatest ability compete in the larger competitions and we’re extremely proud of our track record across prestigious regional and national events, such as Independent Schools Association (ISA) National Athletics, ISA Regional Rounders, ISA National Gymnastics, IS North Dance and Greater Manchester Quidditch and Swimming competitions!
Winners in Orienteering, Gymnastics, Swimming and Dance
In art we’re very lucky to have such superb art facilities and we see some FANTASTIC work from our girls every day such as the self-portrait below.
We also like to compete where possible, as it’s great for the girls’ confidence. Our Y5 pupil – Susan – for example, came third overall (with the top junior entry) in the North West’s most prestigious schools art competition, the Living Edge Art competition, with an amazingly detailed drawing of a tiger. Here she is being presented with her prize:
We have STACKS of exciting and diverse opportunities on offer and next year we’re looking to introduce Mandarin, gardening and Indian dance clubs too! With every aspect of school life here at BPS, we aim to bring out the best in every girl. The key is working closely with each to find their ‘thing’. Because you know what? We’re all amazing at something.