7th July 2016
The Junior pupils took part in their Sports Day on Monday 4th July.
It was wonderful to see our sports field covered with a range of events and to see all the pupils trying their absolute best.
The Juniors have been working hard in their PE lessons to improve their performance in a range of events, including 50m sprint, 60m hurdles, 800m, ball throw and the high jump, so it was wonderful to see all their hard work pay off on the day, in front of lots of parents and grandparents.
There were some incredible performances, resulting in some Sports Day records being broken, including Tia in Year 5, who achieved an amazing 1m 20 in the high jump!
All the girls were competing to gain points for their respective houses: Austen, Bronte or Eliot.
After a closely fought competition, it was Eliot who won the Sports Day trophy!
Well done girls on a fun afternoon of excellent effort and sporting achievement.