11th June 2015
With its stunning location on the banks of the Mersey and the Manchester Ship Canal, extensive indoor displays, boat trips and historic buildings, the museum made a ideal destination for our Year 2 historians.
To all the helpers at Ellesmere Port
Thank you for helping us at Ellesmere Port. My favourite part of the trip was when the other group came out of a room with dressing up clothes on them from old families – the Berry family, the White family, the Smith family and the Green family.
The funniest part was when I dressed up as Steve the Spiv. I wore a black shirt, a grey leather jacket (which was too big) and I held a brown suitcase. A spiv is a person who steals things and sells them and charges more than they are worth. When we went into the canal boat the most surprising thing was that they didn’t have a toilet. They had a pot!
For lunch I had 4 ham and cheese sandwiches, a smoothie, an apple and a biscuit. It was really nice. In the shop at the end I bought a toy furry hedgehog. I sat next to Jessica and Tara.
Thank you. I have had lots of fun and I had a lovely day.
From Kitty (Year 2)