4 young school girls

Summer Fair

21st May 2015

girl looking at her face paint

The Parents’ Society would like to say a big thank you to all the families, parents and children who came to support last Saturday’s school fair! The weather just held off for us and, as a result of your support, the fair raised a fantastic £3,500.

Lots of people volunteer their time to make these events happen, and particular thanks go to all the class reps for setting up and planning their stalls, and the volunteers that manned the stalls on the day. As ever, the Indian food was a sell-out and a special thank you goes to the mums involved in preparing this!

The Year 6 girls planned and ran their house stalls at the fair this year, making over £300 in total. The final results were very close:

  • Austen – 169 tickets
  • Bronte – 197 tickets
  • Eliot – 202 tickets

We also had some fantastic entries to the cupcake decorating competition, and this made judging difficult for Mrs Abbey. The winners of the three age categories were: Niddhi Sharma, Lucy Parkes and Poppy Warnes.

Future events

Our next event is the Barn Dance at Red House Farm on Friday 26 June. We really hope that you will  join us for what should be a fun night. Tickets are available from Jenny Abrahams (Year 1 class rep). Please send in your booking form and payment as soon as possible.


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