6th May 2015
Since its launch in 1988, Red Nose Day has become something of a British institution. It is the day, every 2 years, when people across the land can get together and do something funny for money, at home, school and work. At Bowdon Prep plans for Red Nose Day began early for our enthusiastic Year 6 Charity Committee.
To launch the event, they planned and delivered an informative assembly showing how money raised on Red Nose Day helps people who are living tough lives across the UK and Africa. During the assembly our pupils followed a case study and learned about the day-to-day lives of children affected by extreme poverty and hardship.
On the day itself, our girls arrived dressed appropriately for a comedy-themed day, and enjoyed a variety of activities organised by the Charity Committee.
Well done to everyone who helped and to all our families for their generosity.