Early number writing

The start of the BPS journey……

21st October 2020

Whilst the start of the academic year was just 7 short weeks ago, the girls who started their BPS journey in the Early Years have settled in beautifully! They are now getting used to new routines and activities in Kindergarten and Receptionit is astonishing to see just how quickly the youngest members of the BPS family have adapted to Bowdon Prep lifeembracing our school motto, “BelievePersevere. Succeed!” 

Girls join Kindergarten in the term before their 3rd birthday. Supported bour fabulous Kindergarten teaching team, the first half-term concentrates on developing the skills and friendships they will need as they begin their BPS Journey.  

Kindergarten at Bowdon Prep puts in place the building blocks of a girl’s educationThe supportive environment is ideal for developing friendships and self-confidence. Children learn through shared experiences and activities, with much of the work being topic-based, taking in to account the girls’ interests and talents.  

In our early literacy activities, the girls receive an introduction to phonics, share stories and, importantly, increase their communication, language and vocabulary skills. In our early years’ maths sessions, the girls gain a solid foundation, in terms of reliable number recognition, ability to count in practical activitiesordering of numbers, as well as learning about shape, space and measures. 

In all areas of learning, our girls are given the opportunity to learn aboutand reinforce, the various elements of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. We offer a balanced, holistic curriculum, with a focus on well-being and happiness; happy girls make wonderful learners! 

Girls move on to Reception from Kindergarten with firm foundations in place, ensuring an almost seamless transition. Girls from other settings are also welcomed into the BPS family at this stage of the journey and integrate quickly. All our girls enjoy the themed workwhere they have access to a wide variety of resources to extend their learning. More structured teaching takes place for literacy and mathsand there is a lovely balance between teacher-led and child-led activities.   

We look forward to watching the girls develop into confident young individuals, as they progress through the school, secure in the knowledge that they have had such a positive start to their education.

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