children in a flight simulator

Year 6 STEM Day

23rd March 2023

Our Year 6 girls were given a warm welcome at Manchester University and spent the day based in the Engineering labs, learning about all the opportunities that are available within an Engineering career. The day was divided into Q&A sessions in which the girls learned all about the specialisms of various female engineers that lectured at the University; from a Space engineer who’s job it is to monitor launches into Space and anticipate potential crashes, through to a cardiovascular engineer who was involved in designing a cardio-pump that keeps the heart’s rhythm whilst awaiting a transplant. They had the opportunity to fly an aircraft in a flight simulator and learn about the lightening created in the High Voltage lab. They also visited a 3D printing lab and were astonished at the projects that the students were working on; from making missing pieces of puzzles such as jigsaws through to creating 3D pieces of equipment. The girls were finally challenged with a task and thoroughly enjoyed putting their STEM skills to the test. A wonderful experience was had by all and we look forward to developing our relationship with the University’s engineering department and its professors.


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