13th May 2020
Following the success of the BPS poetry recitation event in January, we were pleased to submit video entries of the winning performances into the national ‘Poetry by Heart’ competition. We are now absolutely delighted to announce that Year 6 girls, Florence H and Harriet J, have been placed within the Top Ten winning entries in their category!
Due to the enormous variety of performances received for the ‘Poetry Celebration’ category, the judges – made up of poets and poetry experts – were simply unable to select a winner or runners-up in the usual way and instead selected the best ten nationally. The girls’ achievement is no mean feat considering they were competing against thousands of entries from all age groups, including those from sixth forms and colleges.
In addition to Florence’s and Harriet’s success we are delighted to share that another of our Year 6 girls, Dania K, also placed highly in the competition. Dania has been awarded County Runner-Up for Cheshire in the Key Stage 2 ‘Individual Recitation’ category. Her performances of ‘The Sleepy Giant’ and ‘Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf’ were highly commended by the judges who were impressed by her clear and humorous delivery. Another wonderful achievement for BPS!
Mrs Douglas – Head of English at BPS – is extremely proud of the girls’ spirited performances and is hopeful that the planned celebration event can go ahead this October.
Well done girls!
If you haven’t seen their performances you can watch them here:
‘The Story of Little Suck-a-Thumb’ by Heinrich Hoffmann: https://youtu.be/A4KMr25deKM
‘Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf’ by Roald Dahl: https://youtu.be/Zxrszh_6IcU
‘The Sleepy Giant’ by Charles E Carryl: https://youtu.be/JoLxqrOAerM