4 young school girls

Amazing feedback from parents about Open Day!

17th October 2019

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Our latest Open Day took place on Saturday 12th October. It was a fabulous day with a distinct BUZZ made up from our lovely school community. This included current families exploring the next stage of their daughter’s educational journey, pupil helpers, busy staff, new families visiting our school for the first time and a speech from our Chair of Governors – Tessa Myatt and our Headmistress – Helen Gee.

The day certainly seemed to hit the right spot as we received fantastic feedback from all…including photos and comments from parents on social media (see below):

Many thanks to all those girls who came to help out with the academic activities around the school, sing in the choir, play musical instruments, lead parent tours, demonstrate excellence in netball or represent BPS as a Class Ambassador or School Council representative. It was fantastic to see former pupils too and to hear how they’re getting on at their new schools – Altrincham Grammar School for Girls, Alderley Edge School for Girls, Manchester High School for Girls, Knutsford Academy and Loreto Grammar School.

If you came along for the first time and wanted more information or to book a ‘Taster Day’ for your daughter, please contact our Admissions Officer Mrs Sharkey on 0161 928 0678 or email admissions@bowdonprep.org.uk

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