BPS: Registration Form

Child's Details

Parent's Details

Please return this at your earliest convenience along with the non-returnable registration fee of £40.00.

Early registration is recommended. School offers will be considered in the order in which they are received.

A copy of the current edition of the standard terms and conditions will be supplied upon submission of the registration form.

The School may process personal data about you (or either of you) and your child, including sensitive personal data about your child (such as medical details) in accordance with data protection law for the purposes of:

  1. administering its list of prospective pupils;
  2. its registration, selection and/or admission procedures, including as set out above; and
  3. communicating with the parents of prospective pupils about the School and generally managing relationships between the School and its prospective pupils.

Even if your child is not offered a place at the School, we retain information about prospective pupils and their parents for 12 months. Please let the Bursar know if you have any questions or concerns about this.

Further information about how the School processes personal data is set out in the School's Privacy Notice which is available via our website and is otherwise available from the School at any time upon request.   

Price: £40.00
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